Martian Missions
Landing on Mars
Captain Ham piloted his spaceship, Brave Ham, on his first and longest journey to Mars since becoming a licensed pilot. He stopped at the Moon to pick up research facilities, extending the trip. Aboard was his Martian Rover, an All-Environment Vehicle (AEV) built for Mars's terrain and climate. He planned to explore the surface and set up his research site. The massive mountain behind him is Olympus Mons.
Fun Facts
Olympus Mons, the solar system's largest volcano on Mars, has a base roughly the size of France. Towering 13.6 miles (22 km) high, 2.5 times taller than Everest, it formed from billions of years of lava flows from a stationary hotspot.
Martian Sparkling Water
In a remarkable breakthrough, Captain Ham's second mission led to the discovery of underground ice deposits on Mars. He not only successfully found the ice but, by leveraging the planet's CO2-rich atmosphere, also created the first-ever Martian sparkling water with ice. This innovation demonstrated the potential for sustainable long-term refreshments on Mars.
Fun Facts
Mars has significant underground water and CO2 ice, primarily at the poles. Its thin atmosphere is also mostly CO2. These ices and atmospheric CO2 regulate Martian climate through pressure and temperature changes, with shifts in the planet's tilt causing major climate variations.